Options Data & Stock Screener API From Intrinio

Andrew Carpenter
January 4, 2017

This article explains what Intrinio's stock screener API is and how to get access, and provides example API calls.

What is the stock screener API?

The stock screener API allows a fintech developer to sort through securities to find those that meet a set of predefined conditions. This is not a tool for financial analysts or non-developers. It is really easy to make the API calls but it requires a programming language to do more than copy and paste results.

The screener uses Intrinio's Web API to return a list of stocks that meet predefined conditions. The ticker and the value for each parameter are returned and can be called in just about any language using curl or other packages native to that environment.

How do I get access?

If you're new to Intrinio, visit intrinio.com to subscribe to one of our data packages.

This article explains how to get started with the API in general and includes examples of authenticating, sample code in numerous languages (Python, R, Ruby, C#, Node JS, Swift, PHP, etc), and sample API calls.

Example Stock Screener API calls

NOTE: The examples below are for v1 of the Intrinio API. If you’re using API v2, follow the v2 documentation instead.

Here is an example showing a single screen for stocks with a price to earnings ratio greater than 15:


The gt represents greater than. If you paste that call into your browser, you should be prompted for your API key, which you can copy from your account page.

Once you have entered your API key, you will see the JSON response. The end of the response includes the total number of pages, so that for screens with more than 250 results, a pager can be used to return the entire response.

This example shows how to make an API call with multiple parameters:


In this case, the response will show stocks with an open price less than or equal to (lte) $10.5 and a P/E ratio greater than or equal to 10 (gte).

This call shows yesterday's price gainers:


And the losers:


This call shows how to find all of the stocks in a specific industry by searching SIC codes:


It's important to note that you can also search text fields, such as the company description, using the "contains" parameter. Don't forget that percents should be in decimal form. For example:


This will return securities with a percent change greater than 200%.


This will return securities with a percent change greater than 2%.

https://api.intrinio.com/securities/search?conditions=sector~eq~BasicMaterials~basicmat,sector~eq~Technology~tech&logic=basicmat OR tech

Above is an example on how to return US securities from both the Technology and Basic Materials sector. Note that there is a space around the OR parameter - if you paste this in your browser, it will automatically fill in "%"s that will enable you to use this logic in your code.


This will return ADRs or Common stock for securities with those security types.

Ready to get started? Visit intrinio.com to learn more.

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