Options Data Feed API Plan - Silver

Quick Start Guide

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Plan Highlights

The Silver Options data feed includes 15-min delayed options contract prices from OPRA. Businesses may license Silver Options for display at no additional charge with no per-user fees or exchange requirements. This guide will show you how to pull 15-min Delayed Options Data, answer the most common questions about the feed, and provide useful links to the API documentation. 

  • Access:
  • REST API and Real-time WebSocket
  • History:
  • 2021-10-10 to Present 
  • Updates:
  • Daily at 3AM EST 
  • Coverage:
  • All Option-able US Securities
Laptop with a pie chart and bar chart, and a phone with card designs


Introductory pricing for the Options Silver Plan can be found on the Options Product Page. This pricing is for New Customers Only. Existing Customers should contact us for more information.   

Starting a trial

Intrinio offers two-week free trials of the Silver Options Plan. You can start a trial from your account page by clicking products. If you don’t already have an account, you can create one for free.  

An illustration containing a window with code brackets and a window with a terminal
An illustration of three document graphics surrounded by a Facebook icon, Amazon icon, Dropbox icon, and Twitter icon


The Silver Stock Prices Plan can be licensed for Business Use-Display or Business Use-Internal

If licensing for Business Use-Display, the data included in the plan may be displayed to business’ end users in an application, report, or analysis. 

If licensing for Business Use-Internal, the data included in the plan can not be publicly shared or displayed. 

In either case, Bulk downloads or raw distribution of the underlying data through methods such as an API are not allowed. 

After the conclusion of your trial, you will have the option to sign a contract to license this plan for your business. You will then be invoiced via ACH or credit card with a discount for paying annually.

Accessing the API

If you are unfamiliar with the Intrinio API, the getting started documentation will help you familiarize yourself with its inner workings.  

The Silver Options Plan includes the following endpoints: 

Retrieve All Option-able Tickers 
  • Returns a list of all securities that have options listed and are tradable on a US market exchange. Useful to retrieve the entire universe. 
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/tickers?api_key=
Retrieve Option Prices for an Option’s Chain (15-Min Delayed) 
  • Returns a list of the latest National Best Bid & Offer (NBBO) top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the greeks and implied volatility for all option contracts currently associated with the option chain. 
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/chain/AAPL/2023-01-27/realtime?source=delayed&api_key=
Retrieve Option Contracts by Symbol (15-Min Delayed) 
  • Returns a list of all active contracts available across all expiration dates for a specified symbol. 
  • Documentation 
  •  Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/AAPL/realtime?source=delayed&api_key=
Retrieve Option Strikes by Symbol (15-Min Delayed) 
  • Returns a list of the latest top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the Greeks and Implied Volatility for all call/put contracts that match the strike and symbol specified. 
  • Documentation 
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/strikes/AAPL/100/realtime?api_key=
Retrieve Stats by Contract (15-Min Delayed)
  • Returns all option stats (Greeks and Implied Volatility) as well as the underlying factors used to calculate them, for a particular option contract.
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/prices/AAPL230127C00090000/realtime/stats?source=delayed&api_key=
Retrieve Option Intervals (Bars) by Contract (15-Min Delayed)
  • Returns Interval Option Pricing in 1-Min | 5-Min | 10-Min | 15-Min | 30-Min | 60-Min intervals for a specified options contract.
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/interval/AAPL230127C00090000?interval_size=1h&source=delayed&api_key=
Retrieve Largest Percent Change Option Movements in Latest Hour (15-Min Delayed)
  • Returns a list of Option Contracts that had the largest percent change in pricing in the latest 1 HR interval. 
  • Note: Only available during market hours.
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/interval/movers/change?source=delayed&api_key=
Retrieve Largest Monetary Change Option Movements in Latest Hour (15-Min Delayed)
  • Returns a list of Option Contracts that had the largest monetary change in pricing in the latest 1 HR interval. 
  • Note: Only available during market hours.
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/interval/movers?source=delayed&api_key=
Retrieve Largest Volume Change Option Movements in Latest Hour (15-Min Delayed)
  • Returns a list of Option Contracts that had the largest change in volume during the latest 1 HR interval. 
  • Note: Only available during market hours.
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/interval/movers/volume?source=delayed&api_key=
Retrieve All Option Prices via Snapshot Downloads (15-Min Delayed)
  • Returns all options snapshots for the queried interval with links to download.
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/snapshots?source=delayed&api_key=
Retrieve Unusual Options Activity by Symbol (15-Min Delayed)
  • Returns unusual options activity for a particular company across all option chains. Unusual options activity includes large trades, sweeps, and block trades.
  • Large Trades: Large option trades with inherently immense notional value of the corresponding premiums paid, or collected, and significant order size. 
  • Sweeps: An options sweep is a market order split across all exchanges to take advantage of the best prices for a given option contract on each individual exchange.
  • Blocks: A block trade is a large, privately negotiated option order executed off the public option exchange.
  • Note: The Intraday Version is useful for looking back at historic Unusual Options Activity, the below Endpoint Example is for the latest 1000 responses (where applicable for any given security).
  • Documentation 
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/unusual_activity/AAPL?source=delayed&api_key=
Retrieve Unusual Options Activity Universal (15-Min Delayed)
  • Returns the latest unusual options activity across all US companies with across all option chains. Unusual options activity includes large trades, sweeps, and block trades.
  • Large Trades: Large option trades with inherently immense notional value of the corresponding premiums paid, or collected, and significant order size.
  • Sweeps: An options sweep is a market order split across all exchanges to take advantage of the best prices for a given option contract on each individual exchange.
  • Blocks: A block trade is a large, privately negotiated option order executed off the public option exchange.
  • Note: The Intraday Version is useful for looking back at historic Unusual Options Activity, the below Endpoint Example is for the latest 1000 responses across all qualifying option contracts.
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/unusual_activity?source=delayed&api_key=
Retrieve All Expirations for a Ticker (EOD)
  • Returns a list of all historic, current, and upcoming expiration dates for a particular symbol.  
  • Note: Historical expirations before 2021-10-10 require a separate subscription. 
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/expirations/AAPL?api_key= 
Retrieve All Option Contracts for a Security (EOD)
  1. Returns a list of all expired and active contracts available for a particular symbol. 
  2. Documentation 
  3. Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/AAPL?api_key= 
Retrieve Historical End-of-Day Option Prices for a Contract (EOD)
  • Returns all price data from inception to expiration for a particular contract. 
  • Documentation 
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/prices/AAPL230120C00090000/eod&api_key= 
Retrieve End-of-Day Option Prices for an Options Chain (EOD)
  • Returns a list of the historical End-of-Day top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the Greeks and Implied Volatility for all option contracts currently associated with the option chain. 
  • Documentation
  • Example Endpoint: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/chain/AAPL/2023-09-15/eod?api_key= 
  • Example Endpoint to Retrieve Options by Expiration on a Specific Date: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/options/chain/AAPL/2023-09-15?date=2023-01-18&api_key= 
Retrieve End-of-Day Option Prices for an Options Chain