Fundamentals Data API

A robust collection of data for public US companies.

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Standardized financial statements
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Company news
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As-reported financial statements
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Insider transactions & ownership
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Hundreds of financial metrics & ratios
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Institutional ownership
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Company reference & metadata
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Upcoming & historical IPOs
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Raw 10-Q, 10-K, 8-K, 20-F & 40-F text
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Aggregate sector & industry data
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Searchable 10-Q & 10-K notes
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Economic data
An XBRL graphic connected by a dotted line to three separate document graphics

Next level access for fundamental data

Intrinio delivers quarterly and annual financial statement data for more than 9,000 US companies through our world-class API and other powerful access methods. Our proprietary XBRL Standardizer uses advanced machine learning to map financial statements to standardized templates so you can directly compare performance across companies and fiscal periods.

Round out your analysis with our extensive supplementary data, including hundreds of financial metrics and ratios, company news, IPOs, raw filings text, institutional holdings, and much more. Most of this data is available within 30 minutes of a company filing with the SEC, and it's all backed by our world-class tools and support.

Case Study

Learn how one financial research platform leveraged Intrinio’s expertise with US fundamentals to save millions of dollars and months of development time.

A word from our customers

“Working with Intrinio has been wonderful. When seeking a data partner, we sought a good fit, with open lines of communication. Intrinio has allowed us to be successful in developing our new data platform and has been a great partner in our joint product offering venture.” 

-Business Valuation Resources

A word from our customers

“We were able to establish an open and fruitful technical collaboration… Intrinio has a large variety of data, and quality is excellent. They are flexible and open to requests when we need customization and also very knowledgeable in fixing technical issues when they arise.” 


A word from our customers

“Intrinio’s team has great values in terms of work ethic and ambition… Customer support is really impressive, with a tech department that gets back to us within the day… You are going to get innovation, ambition, great values, great customer service.” 

-Ziggma Portfolio Manager

A word from our customers

“The documentation is clear, the data quality is good, and the support team is very reactive. The team is fast and is embracing innovation while keeping good quality data and reliable APIs, which is what we were looking for and failed to find in other data providers… We are looking forward to continuing using their services for the years to come!” 


Advanced tools for developers

We offer the best data tools on the market for developers and engineers. Whatever your preferred access method, we provide step-by-step documentation, syntax builders, and more to streamline onboarding and integration. 

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    API, direct database access, CSV downloads, FTP

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    SDKs in Python, R, Ruby, JavaScript, C#, and Java

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    Clear terms and end user display licensing

An illustration of a computer monitor overlaid with a UX window and an upward trending line graph
A line graph icon that represents Intrinio's Market Data

Equity Market Data

Get real-time, delayed, intraday, and historical prices, options, and more for US securities. Our market data is available in multiple flexible formats.

A pie graph icon that represents Intrinio's SEC Data

Options Market Data

Get high-quality real-time and delayed options data through advanced access methods without building an expensive in-house infrastructure.

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