Emporus is swiftly revolutionizing how investment decisions are being made worldwide through its unique deep learning and artificial intelligence investment analytics platform. Unlike other platforms that provide an overwhelming amount of analytics, Emporus constructed its machine learning process to minimize the noise and maximize investors' abilities to perform market analysis.
To strengthen their machine learning processes, Emporus's platform needed a way to track volatility across the entirety of the US option's universe – that's where Intrinio's data came into play.
Intrinio provides Emporus with the daily and historical options data they need to strengthen their platform’s algorithms and stock market investing strategies. Using Intrinio’s financial data to power their deep learning models, Emporus can separate the signal from the noise. This separation allows investors to reduce the risk associated with their portfolios and ultimately make more informed investing decisions.
Intrinio is a leading provider of financial data and is a respected data technology partner for thousands of businesses. When you partner with us you can expect:
Power your fintech business with Intrinio and find out how your automated investing business can benefit from our Options Bronze data plan.