Alpaca is a unique developer-first API stock and crypto platform that allows traders, developers, and businesses to build scalable investment services quickly, trade with algorithms, and connect with applications. With Alpaca, users have access to the Alpaca community and the latest financial data and can confidently trade stocks and crypto.
Alpaca needed to explore other market data alternatives to reinforce their existing platform – which is how they found Intrinio to partner with.
Intrinio provides Alpaca with the additional market data they need to supplement its quickly expanding infrastructure. The brokerage platform counts on Intrinio's equity market data, specifically our collection of corporate actions for US markets for internal use and display purposes.
Intrinio is a leading provider of financial data and is a respected data technology partner for thousands of businesses. When you partner with us you can expect:
Power your fintech business with Intrinio and find out how your brokerage trading platform can benefit from our Equities Gold data plan.